About Me

Hey 👋
I am stefanhts
I am a Software Engineer @ Okta/Auth0 on the Platform team. I am an avid programming language enjoyer who changes his mind daily on what his favorite languages are. Currently I'm into Rust 🦀 and Ocaml 🐫, but I write Golang (no easy emoji) for work.
I am the proud owner of a 2 year old pup named Jojo who drives me crazy and keeps me sane. I love to climb, bike, lift, watch TV + movies. I am currently on a self improvement journey specifically based around career progression and squeezing as much knowledge as I can into my already cramped brain. I am currently living in Pittsburgh with my partner, and we are excited to see where in the world life takes us 🌎.
I hope you find the content on this blog entertaining or helpful, it is mainly me screaming into the void, but any readers would be appreciated 🙃.